Happy New Year 2020 everyone!!! I know it’s been a few weeks since the beginning of the year ( well, it’s already the last week of January )… I just wanted to wish you all my best thoughts for this New Year and New Decade!!!

In another note, I wanted to let you know what it’s been going on with the blog lately, and what are my plans for this year.
During the last week, many of you have noticed that you haven’t been able to access to the blog. This is due, to a technical problem regarding my hosting website that led me to loose all my data and had to rebuild the site from zero again! Well not totally, I actually didn’t have a back up saved, but THANKS to the internet and many folks that share their wisdom + same experiences on different forums, I could managed to copy back all my blog posts 🙂
This took me a few days to figure it out, oh well, because I’m not a website builder expert. What this means is that I could recover all the blog posts I’ve published, but I couldn’t save any of the comments that people have left on the blog before. So, if you’re reading this and you’re one of those that wrote me a comment, please know I’m terribly sorry!!!
For any questions, you can write me an email to [email protected]
All this trouble aside, I want you to know what to expect for this year on the blog

- There will be more free crochet patterns but I will also add a PDF payed version, optional, for those of you who would like to support my work! 🙂
- I’ll finally start selling some of my designs that will be only available as payed patterns on my Ravelry shop ( if you wan to be notified when this happens, don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter!).

- Knitting, as you can see from the pictures above or if you’re following me on Instagram, you may have seeing me knitting lately. I have a couple of knitting sweaters/jumpers tutorials that I’ll be sharing in the next month 😉
- Crafts and DIY‘s projects are coming this year, besides crochet I also love embroidery, macrame, weaving, sewing, up-cycling, thrifting and more.
- Instagram, this is by far my favorite app and the only one that I’m more active. This year, I want to share more videos with you of the behind the scenes and inspirations. You can find me @fiorelila_
There you have it, I hope you enjoyed this little update with me.
Leave me a comment letting me know what you’d like to see in futur content.
Thank you for reading! 🙂
Sharing is caring!