Valentina Sweater – Crochet Pattern

I’m so happy to finally share with you this cute Top Sweater. Which I actually, finished last year and wore it for the night of Valentine’s, since then it has become one of my favorites!

Je suis super contente de pouvoir, enfin, partager avec vous ce joli modèle Valentina. Il s’agit d’un pull/top que j’ai fini l’année dernière, et j’ai pu porter pour la soirée de la Saint Valentin. Depuis, il est devenu un de mes pulls préféré!


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The Everyday Crochet Top | Free Pattern

Fall season is officially here… euh wait, what? Because it kinda looks like Summer didn’t get the memo yet! Well, at least that’s what happening with the weather here in Switzerland ( not that I’m complaining, I  love summer! ). But the only problem with that you may ask? it’s still too warm to start wearing my big and cozy sweaters ;).


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